Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's Your Turn to fall in Love

Its a special time when a couple falls in love. Its almost as the world stop turning and all the stress in the world disappears. It is a time when two people have no other cares other than spending time with each other. Suddenly friendship takes on a whole new meaning and the future looks a whole lot brighter.

So why is falling in love so much fun? I believe it is because couples have the opportunity to find something that not everyone has. It is something that most people dream about, to finally have someone who can see the person who lies beneath all of the stress and hustle that life can bring. To find a friend who is interested in what is going on in that person’s life, and truly want to be with them.

If you are looking for that certain someone, what are some things that can help you fall in love? If we all had the answers to this question we’d be millionaires, but there are things which I believe people can do to help themselves so that when they do meet that certain someone, they will be ready.

Be confident. When I say be confident, I mean to have confidence in yourself. If you know who you are and have a plan for your own happiness, you won’t be intimidated by other people. It means knowing what you like, how you want to be treated, and knowing that you can accomplish goals which you have set for yourself. Of course it’s possible to have too much, but you can measure that in your own way.

Learn to listen. Sometimes people just want to talk, and all the right words can be said simply by listening and not saying anything. It is a way for you to show interest in something that means so much to the other party. Ask questions, let them talk and feel important. There will be plenty of time to talk about yourself, but show the other person that you care by simply listening to the things which they have to say. Sometimes, no words can go a long way.

Be nice. We have all heard the phrase that nice guys finish last, well, if you are looking into falling in love; think about how you want to be treated. The golden rule can provide you with more direction than you may think. You will see that in doing this, people will notice your kindness; these types of things never go unnoticed. These are just a few ideas to help you prepare yourself to fall in love. It can happen at anytime, which is the beauty of this life. Once you find it, hold on to it and never let it go because there is nothing like being in love.

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